Monday, March 28, 2011


Whew, ok, doing good on the homework so far. But I'm getting bored so I figure I'll take a break and blog. Yes, thats.... just weird I know, nobody else may blog on their breaks but I do.

Recently I was on Facebook, and well, I was looking at some pictures from a prom date my friend in the youth committee went on. As I kept shuffling through the pictures, I landed on on some band ones, and some other miscellaneous pictures and then I landed on this:
Yeah, a little big and huge, but flippin' refreshing. I dont even know the kid on the left, but the kid on the right smiles all the time. And even though I dont know everyone in this photo, its just great to see such legit smiles. Call me weird for appreciating the expression of such an abstract noun, but really, a smile is the most common way to express an intangible emotion - happiness. I couldn't help but text him and tell him how awesome he is that he smiles so much. I think he gets that a lot, because its true.

I love making jokes. Not because it makes me look funny, but because I love to see people happy. In fact I have a way of feeling the emotions of people around me, and when people feel awkward or sad, I tend to feel that with them. So when I see people smile, especially those I care about, it just makes my day better, and not just mine, but really it does a service to everyone!

Im pretty sure if we all just smiled, legitimately, like that photo, the world will become better! Truthfully how can it not. When you smile you simply leave no room for the enemy of your soul to dictate how you feel, and you put light in the souls of others.

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