Monday, September 12, 2011

"Petty" Claims Court

I work at a law firm in Las Vegas. I love my job. I hope to go into law someday, and at least have some practice as an attorney. You know, law is really interesting. There's an entire network going on everyday that governs even the smallest ordeals of the citizens from the federal, to state, city, and I'll even add, Small claims. If you're looking for entertainment and a self-esteem boost, this is the place for your after dinner show.
My boss asked me if I'd like to go to court with him today. Of course, I jumped at the c

hance. He explained how it was small claims court and probably wouldn't be extremely exciting, but you know, you have to start somewhere. Anyway, let me explain of how this system works for those of y

ou who haven't seen it. It's basically a parental facility where people cant go if one side or both cannot solve a problem themselves and need a parental figure to tell them what to do.
I'll sum up what I heard today.

Plantiff side: Plantiff's son was leaving his girlfriend's driveway. Stopped halfw
ay out of

the driveway to listen to music. (Short attention span, right?) Claimed he waited with his car partially on the drive way and the road, for about 10 minutes. Next thing he knew he was hit on the left corner of his car. Claims his girlfriend witnessed it. Girlfriend says she was standing in the doorway of her house and witnessed the entire thing. Judge didn't buy that she stood in the doorway watching the plantiff's son listen to music, stationed awkwardly in the driveway/street, so girlfriend changes her story to say that she watched for a minute, came outside, got into the car and listened to music for a co
uple minutes (in the awkwardly stationed car) and then went in to watch awkwardly from her doorway. (beats me too.)

Defendant's side: Defendant wanted to clear his driveway to make way for his mom coming home from the hospital. Defendant saw the plantiff's son's car and saw the back up lights on, but since he knew he had the right of way, continued anyway, and ran into the awkwardly stationed car. Judge rightfully believed that with or without right of way, one should not run into parked cars. I agree.

Other happenings: Plantiff's side had a signed statement from the defendant that he'd agree to pay some value of money for the incident. Defendant claims
he did not sign the paper, and that the signature on the paper, in fact does not belong to him. Court marshall asks to see a driver's license to see his signature, defendant yeilds that he has no driver's license, nor did he at the time of the accident. (P.S. Plantiff's son also had/has no driver's license.)

Verdict: judge sees flaws on both sides, cuts requested pay in half to a small $800. Defendant side is happy.

Afterwards: My boss talks to defendant's family, they are grateful for his service and time (since lawyers usually do not show up to small claims courts. (That is the reason for small claims courts.)) Defendants family talks with my boss at how dissapointed
they were that it went all the way to court and that they were willing to settle since the beginning to pay $2,500. But for some reason plantiff's took them to court.

Boss then speaks with Plantiff's family in the elevator on the way down. Offers to pay them the check in full. Family declines. Mother claims, basically, that if she cant have the money she wants, she just won't have the money. We get annoyed, since the defendant's family already offered all of that money in the first place.

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